
Posts Tagged ‘nirvana’

Part 2–The This.

Part 1 is here.

This is music.  Why do I do this–or want to do this?  Compulsion is the first word that comes to mind.  I feel… made to make music.  I know made is an odd word these days, but I think if more of us believed in that kind of thing there would be a lot less settling.  I mean, currently, I make money as a small business sales manager for ADT security.  I seem to be very good at this job, but it doesn’t really excite me at essential levels.  In all honesty, I’m a bit repulsed by the fact that the world in which we live needs that kind of thing.  Actually, it’s a little sad that the world needs the criticisms in my songs  either…  But I’d rather be doing this, and I think that this is ultimately more meaningful than that, at least to me.  Right, B? (This is what they call my boss–who I’m sure will read this and just kind of laughs at me whenever I tell her that I would rather be a rockstar.)

The point of me wanting to be a rockstar is not fame and excess, nor is it riches.  The Project Matter is a not-for-profit business entity.  This basically means that if it ever made a profit, we would start by using that to pay for all the governmental paperwork necessary for forming a bona fide 501(c)3.  But the reason I have a record and a blog and a website and t-shirts is not to make money, don’t get me wrong I certainly want/need to make money, but that is not the purpose.  The point as I see it, aside from the fact that I enjoy making music and am intrigued by business, affect, culture, etc., the point would be to help create moments that are most conducive for experiencing God.  I want to be a part of the eternal rapturous moment.  And I want my music, which is my  response to reality, to be a facilitator for both me and you to experience the fullness of that moment.   In other words, I want to create music in such a way that people are moved by God and experience God at deep and powerful levels.  I know that this is a rather ambitious goal, but this is my goal nonetheless.  Now I am fully aware that I have very little (or none) personal control over the response of the reader, in fact, don’t we have very little control of anything beyond our own thoughts, feelings and perceptions?  At the same time, I have a suspicion that one of the ways in which we are like God is our place as co-creators of reality, specifically in that our perceptions, rather than define reality, they create it…