Home > God, Philosophy, Reality, Theology > Seeing is believing… among other things I’m sure.

Seeing is believing… among other things I’m sure.

Part of my job entails teaching people the basics of digital video cameras.  I usually find it necessary have a rudimentary discussion on optics.  The other day I was training some new hires when I had a bit of an epiphany.

We all know, or probably were taught at one time or another, that we see, when light is reflected back to our eyes.  I knew this but never saw the weight of it until now.


Everything we see is a reflection.


In my mind, this is heavy.


Paul writes that we see now like through a mirror, but we will someday see clearly.  My understanding is that the quality of mirrors in his day was something to be desired.

I’ve written and certainly still think that there is some kind of mystical oneness to us all.  The last thing Jesus said was that he prayed that we would be one.  Like he was with God.  Paul mentions this a lot too.

In light of this, what does it mean that everything I see is ultimately some sort of reflection? When I look at this computer, I only see it as much as I am able to.  I’m not seeing a Platonic ideal, at least it doesn’t seem that I am.

(So this is where I go tying into thinking about things I’ve thought before, but now have some science to validate my metaphysical assumptions.)

When I look at you, what I’m actually seeing is a reflection.  The light hits you and bounces back to me and then I see.

When I see people–and I’ll admit that I have a tendency to do this more when I see something I don’t like…–I think I’m seeing a bit of myself.  There are parts of me that I don’t like.  Parts that I know have no place in any kind of gospel kingdom. I see these people as manifestations of certain aspects of my own character.  I think this is because we are one.

We are all alike.  We have good and bad aspects to our characters.  The need is for the good to grow and choke out all of the bad, rather than our sinful desires to fully maturing and then becoming death.

I empathize when I see people who aren’t living.  I know that the root cause for suffering affects me as well.  Too often, I am not experiencing life.  But I want to.  And I know I am made to.  We all are.  So we must have mercy and empathize with each other.  Because at some level, we are each other.





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  1. 12/10/2011 at 1:12 pm

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